MKT 355- Marketing Implications

Instagram gives businesses the opportunity to highlight their products and services through digital content in the form of photo and video. Marketing implications of Instagram include increased traffic and engagement rates for businesses, increased conversation rate for consumer purchases, larger number of Instagram influencers, increase amount of user-generation content used in marketing strategies, increased ability to build brand presence and relationship with target market. The reason for the great success of marketing content on Instagram is businesses ability to utilize these features to appeal to one’s target market.

I have responded to Instagram marketing implications several times in the past. I recently purchased a bathing suit through an Instagram ad. While I was skeptical at first, it ended fitting great and led to multiple purchases. Aside for that, I respond to marketing implications in several ways, such as clicking on advertisements, searching hashtags to find new content and accounts for things that I might like to try or purchase, and for highlighting my own experiences.

 Ads are generated based off who your friends are, what posts you like, what brands you follow, and more. This makes it much more enticing to click on marketing ads. They are generated to target your interests, which has led me to many one to many shopping sprees!

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